JTAC Platform Instruction
Blue Air Training offers world class platform instruction covering all aspects of the Close Air Support Syllabus. Our instructors are subject matter experts who have spent their entire careers honing their craft. Many of our instructors have commanded or instructed at DoD JTAC schoolhouses, to include our company CEO.
JTAC Simulator Instruction
Apart from the minimum live-fly requirements identified, a portion of JTAC task training should be conducted using high-fidelity simulation. Blue Air Training offers simulator operators who are well versed at the most state of the art systems. Our expertise ensures that JTAC students get the most realistic scenarios and instruction available anywhere.
JTAC Live-Fire Range Instruction
Live-fire range instruction is the culmination of everything the student has experienced up to this point. It is the complex portion of the training as it involves actual aircraft flying in real time and the use of live munitions. As such, there is no room for error. Our expert instructors ensure that safety is at the forefront of every training iteration.
JTAC Instructor Upgrade Programs
The cornerstone of any successful JTAC program is the caliber of its instructors. They control the quality of JTACs being produced and hold the key to maintaining standards. Blue Air Training offers JTAC-Instructors and Standardization and Evaluation Examiners who understand this important truth. Our personnel will ensure your program is doctrinally sound and achieves the standards set by the executive steering committee.
JTAC Continuation Training Program Management
Once you have a program that successfully produces current and qualified JTACs, the next step is to ensure that all subsequent controls are properly conducted and, just as important, recorded. There are well established rules that define the requirements to maintain JTAC currency. Effective record keeping is the foundation for accounting for all of these requirements. Blue Air Training offers the personnel, and the same computer based academics and currency training systems trusted by the USAF to ensure success.
JFO (Joint Fires Observer) Training
The most elite militaries in the world utilize their JFO’s to heighten the ground force commanders’ capabilities by strategically employing them as Forward Observers with enhanced communication skills and fires integration expertise. Blue Air Training offers subject matter expert instructors who can turn a normal soldier into a true force multiplier. Building a solid JFO core that can easily feed any JTAC pipeline.