26 STS
Significant coordination and scheduling were completed by 26 STS and the Blue Air Training team prior to the exercise. Due to COVID 19, coordination, debriefing, and safety precautions would differ from past exercises. This successful mission was scheduled for both day / night VULs and two aircraft.
The training included MQT training, several pre-evaluation exercises, and two evaluations. The detailed planning and coordination resulted in overall mission success.
Weather in the early part of the exercise had an impact on training, but Blue Air Training was able to flex the schedule and extend the duty day of the crew and aircraft, within regulations, to ensure all DLOs were met.
Used several inject lists, played up to five assets at a time, and added a helicopter medivac the morning of training. Blue Air Training dropped 40 BDU-33s.
“You guys did exactly what we wanted today.”